Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 20: Super tired

Yep. Got back at 6am yesterday.

The last episode I directed had an over-run duration.
Had to trim a 33 minute into a 24 minute.

Since it was the last episode, I invested heavily on the story
and shots. Most shots were either moving or
carefully planned-framed. Every dialogue, every beat
in the script was very compact.

So you can imagine, it took me a very hard
time to wanna trim it.

But eventually, I did. But it wasn't easy.

I had to throw away scenes, dialogues, shots.

Imagine throwing away every carefully drawn
panels in a comic.

That's how painful it was.

But in film, that has to be done.

Feeling grouchy waking up this morning.

My body alarm clock woke up itself at 9am.
So that's like 3 hours sleep.
I had to force my body to continue sleeping.
It was like telling my blur body,

"Dude, get back to sleep.."
"But it's 9am.."
"Trust me, dude.. get back to sleep..."

And that entire conversation kept
repeating itself till 12pm.
That's how my body feels now.

I turned on my table light and my pc music
to prepare myself as I continued lay my
body back on the bed.

Eventually, I didn't get up. Still felt
tired, and no pages done.

So to compensate, as a back-up,
(Chin Yew always have a backup),

Here's a book flip video which I shot of
a recent picture book I did for a gallery.

The Boy Who Loved Durians from chinyew on Vimeo.


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