Saturday, September 16, 2006

ideas for sale! but we'll give them free first!

its been awhile since my last post.

lots of thoughts and ideas running
in my head. every single new one i
have, i told myself, that it can wait.
it'll still be in my head anyway, i thought.

next, day.



but, not this one. now.
i had to write about this.

2am. heard my mom laughing
in her room since, maybe 9.30pm?

i never heard her laugh that crazily
for a very long time.

as usual, i was havin a daily routine
of preparing myself
a bottle of water that would last me the
entire night while drowning myself on my
collections of dvds.
and imagine how surprised i was, 2am,
as i walk pass her room,
i heard her laughed.

then, i was in my room.
as i close my room
door, i heard her laughed again.
and this time, i'm talkin about
a 2 closed-room-door with a 50 meter gapped-away.
and if i'm not mistaken, my dvd was
still playin at that time.
on a moderate volume of course.


but anyway,

i heard her laugh.

but i knew what she was doin.
she was probably watchin a new
HK chinese series my sister
downloaded from the internet.

i was thinkin, this show must be
really good. i used to have an addiction
for these HK series. so heavily-addicted,
i think somehow it inflicted some negative-incidents
in my life that resulted where i am now.
thinkin that it was the core of my strucken-fate,
i decide not to watch these
addictive HK series ever again.

and so, i knock the door,
walk in, saw my mom and sis
laying on the bed, tuck-in
comfortly in their bedsheets,
while watching, indeed a HK series,
on my sis's laptop. my mom was still
laughin then. i can't help laughin even
not knowin what she was laughing about.
i really haven't heard her
laughing so happily for a very long

and i was happy.

i reminded my sis to leave
the HK series a copy behind.
she nods.
it'll be another year till i'll
see her again.

you see, ladies and gentleman,
this is why i want to tell stories.
it doesn't matter if its in the format of
films, musics, comics or paintings.
all i want to, and will ever only do,
is to tell stories.
stories to thank people.
stories to tell/realize people why
that we should thank them.

to thank my sis and the HK series
production people.

with my deepest-heart-of-thankfulness
and great respect,

i bow/salute to you all.

(japan style.)



if you find this post is a load
of crap, i'm deeply sorry that i've wasted
your last 5 minutes which seems
to be forever.

or maybe you find this useful
and brilliantly written,
pls do not hesitate to vist our main website
and click on the paypal button heartfully.

sadly, in the real world,
we need money in able for
an idea to grow bigger.

companies need money.
families need money.

and also sadly, it takes
a very hard-long-poor road
in able for an artist to
be successful.

and to make this even more
sad, in this realworld,
when you are workin on
a job which you don't like
but pays well, your art
ambition will slowly-quietly,
fade away.

and as i said,
in this real world that we're living today,
requires money.
a company needs money,
a family needs money.

an idea also needs,


and we're riskin being poor
now by doing something
which we really like,


but again, i repeat,
ideas need money.

and therefore we are
asking for your kind
donations on fueling
a dream.

what dream, you say?

a me and you dream.
a dream of creating the
free-happy-world where
everyone gets to decide
what they really want to do
in life.

the utopia.

a no-financial-tied world.

in the end of the day,
deep down the pits of our
evil-greedy-heart, our soul
just want to be happy, rite?


so please gamble on us
on fulfilling that dream, yah?

or not, just go support some any-other
artist will ya, you Scrooge?!?

and i don't believe
"donation" is a sensitive word either.
honestly, i don't even find
that begging is a disgraceful

even sihardta gautama practice
begging before receiving Buddha.

and trust me, when you had
reached to a level of begging,
you definitely will learn.


and so,

there you go.





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