Sunday, September 24, 2006


the if/is formula/theory.

i remembered, 2 years back.
i was actually sitting
in front of this very
computer, typing in the
yahoo search engine field,

"how do you forget your ex?"

and i would spend hours
reading the free-help-forums
out there.

i even found a few couple
of good porn sites with that
search field i typed. heh.

but seriously, back then,
there wasn't really any real-help
in the internet. all the advises
was very "western", if
you all know what i mean.

there wasn't any real-effective
solutions there. especially for
an extremely old-fashioned-sensitive
asian boy.

and i believe,
there are people out there at
this very moment, are still lookin
for help, in the internet.

and i guess, this is why i'm here.
and i guess, this is why we are all here now.
and how you have typed that very
same search-field and somehow leads you

you. me. we.

we all need help.

and we want to help.

its natural right?

simple logic.


"how do you forget your ex."

or simply,

how do you forget someone.

with the "if/is formula/theory!

how it works?


sit down, boys and girls,
and i'll guide all of you.

think of that person.
then, try and recall the feeling when
you were in a class.
back when we were all younger-simpler-happier.
imagine a school-green board
next to him/her.
now, zoom in to the board.

now, imagine the board is
written-divided into
2 columns, with a straight
chalk-line in between of the whole board.

the left column written, "if".

the other column, "is".

state the "ifs" scenario
of you and that person,
that will please you.


she loves me.

he will come back to me again.

we will be together again.

*state as many as you can.

then, on the "is",
state the real-current scenario
of you and that person.
the honest-true-negative/positive
scenario of you and that person.
or maybe, more effectively,
state down the negative things
the person say/do/notdoing things
to you.


she flew away without even saying goodbye.

his not replying me eventhough
i've shown obvious-signs that i love him.

we have only spoken 1 word for many years now.

*state as many as you can.

step back from the board.
close your eyes and breath.
inhale. exhale.

slowly open your eyes.
look at the board wholly.
do not allow your eyes
to focus either one of the
columns. look at whole
board as a single entity.
look at the white-chalk
writings as a whole.

when you successful doing
that. slowly focus
on the "is" column.
read through all the sentences
that you wrote.
accept it. then feel it.
its ok, if you have to
close your eyes doin it.

its hard. but its the truth.
breath. when you feel
more comfortable and able
to read through the sentences
smoothly, slowly move your
focus to the "ifs" column.

read through them.

funny, huh?

that's how funny we humans are.

i believe everyone of you
will know what to do now.



p/s:if you find this post is a load
of crap, i'm deeply sorry that i've wasted
your last 5 minutes which seems
to be forever.

or maybe you find this useful
and brilliantly written,
pls do go to our main website
and click on the paypal button

thank you.


ellie ng said...

listen to breaking benjamin's forget it over and over and over again until you realize that it's all just in your head.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... good if/is theory (sorry, I'm broke hence I'm not gonna pay for it... hehehe....). Anyway, life is such. I have learned to stay away from "if". A lot of ppl got frustrated with me when they asked the "if" questions coz I don't answer them anymore like I used to. Anyway, good luck in your life and I sincerely hope it will turn out better than u think. :)