Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 23: Getting Paid

The best payoff as an artist is getting
paid for your work.

As children we doodle for our parents' attention.
Their praises of our efforts brightens our day.

Getting paid for you work justify how good you are.
People want your stuff. Your stuff is in demand.

It matters not how famous you are really,
at the end of the day is whether your art
brings the bread onto the table.

Most artists lack of accounting skill.

Not very good debt collector either.

Be mean as an ass, knowing that if you
don't get paid soon, you won't have
the opportunity to return to your drawing
table and do what you love best.

So try ways to get paid for your humble

Or not, I'm sorry,

you've to change job.

Good luck and Godspeed.


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