Friday, August 03, 2007

Day 03: Today is a very confusing day for me.

Day 3 by Perng Fey

"Today is a very confusing day for me,
because I have to think,
which I normally not used to."

in 30dayartist, we encourage artists to
think. Yet, not in a conscious way.

the unconscious thinking will soon turn
into a natural instinct.
you'll know what to do.
and what to paint.

take a brush. dip it with a light
tone of black. move yr brush
to the canvas. you'll feel uncomfortable
at first of not sure of what to paint.

don't be afraid. just paint.
let the stroke take over you.

soon the image-idea will emerge itself.

this is where the thinking starts;

the random strokes are fragments of
imagery of your subconscious mind.
a sort of your brainwave patterns transmitting
into a visionary form onto yr canvases.

yr job is to figure out this wave form-pattern
(your brush strokes) of what they mean.
or what they are.

you might learn a little more about yrself.

becoming a 30dayartist, pressures you to this state.

first couple of days, you'll probably know what to paint.
hardly any brain juice is required.
but after a couple more, you'll be stuck with nothing.

then you'll require to think harder.

think. think. think.

to think when you're not able to think.

i'm not even sure am i making sense myself.

probably is the overwork and of finishing
this 2 scenes.

it's 8:30am now. i've been working
on the 2 scene and this post since

i'm not making sense anymore. tired.

till tomorrow.


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