Saturday, August 01, 2009

Day 1: The first day is always the hardest.

not anymore.

i'm back. for the fifth time.

gawd. this feel so strange to blog again.

with a smile on my face.

what's this month about?

it's gonna be crazy.

so many things to do.

so little time.

i'm glad to be back.

as you can see, has gone through
some add-ons.

the sexy is a God given technology.
amazing. now, audience can witness what the
30dayartist actually is doing.

(like now.)

as i was saying, this month is gonna be crazy-pack for me.

i could have choose not to do it this year,
but i just miss the brush and ink too much.
i miss illustrating the beardy guy.
i'm excited to know what's gonna happen to him.

as usual, i won't plan what to illustrate or
how the progress-structure of the story.
i'll let the story create itself.
30dayartist style.

this month, is gonna be exciting.
so much have happen in my artist life this year.

have i mentioned this month is gonna be tight?

oh-yeah, my schedule:

i'll heading to Singapore this 13th till 16th
for a toys & comics con.

will sharing a booth with i-ming to sell comics.

and on the 22nd till 31st i've got shoot for the
children show i'm directing.

and we usually shoot the entire day.

so you can imagine.

how am i gonna survive this?

balancing so many things and illustrating
'I See So Many Butterflies'?

as usual, 30dayartist spirit is always
about stretching the bar. maximizing

i've survived 40 painting for 2 rounds.
completed a 328 page garphic novel in 2 rounds.

what can't i do?

you'll be surprise what i have in mind
to tackle after i'm done with I See So Many Butterflies.

but that's for 2011.

so to compensate, if i do not post for the days i'm
away. i'll keep you guys updated of my daily life.

yes, this make much more sense now with
'taking a peek into an artist life for 30 days.'

i'll give you guys as detail of my daily routine
as possible.

aren't you interested to know what a tv director
cum artist do everyday?

i'll feed you as much of my personal life as possible.


twitter of course.

now, can you say 'follow me'?


and not forgetting ustream.

30dayartist Live TV

yep, i can stream through my mobile phone
while i shoot. while i sell my comics at singapore.

the power of technology.

and now further, not wasting anymore time.

this year's anniversary video:

now, to the drawing board.

(as usual, ignore my bad grammar and spelling.)

till tomorrow.


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